Luxury Garden Rooms in Contemporary Styles | Crown Pavilions
I love spending time outdoors, but I don’t have a lot of space in my backyard, so I decided to make the most out of what little space I have by building a garden room. 

It’s basically an enclosed patio with plants and flowers that you can access from inside your home. It feels like you’re in a greenhouse but better.

Make Sure The Space Is Completely Enclosed

This will prevent insects from getting in and making a mess of your plants, as well as keep out any rodents or larger animals that might pose a threat to your home or its inhabitants. 

You can use netting, glass walls, or even a fence to create an enclosed space for the garden room and make sure the door is secure so no unwanted visitors can get inside.

Add A Comfortable Sitting Area

  • Add cushions for comfort.
  • Add a bench for extra seating.
  • Add a rug for extra comfort.
  • Add a swing to enjoy the view and let your mind wander as you sway back and forth, enjoying nature’s beauty from afar.
  • If you want something more relaxing, try adding a hammock in your garden room!

Plant A Range Of Flowers 

  • Choose flowers that are hardy and easy to grow.

  • Choose flowers that will be in season at different times of the year.
  • Choose flowers that are fragrant, or at least have a pleasant aroma.
  • Choose colorful, if not all-white, blooms so your garden room can be enjoyed even when it’s not in bloom! 
  • And don’t forget to consider how those colors might change over time as well; some bulbous bulbs may produce pink or red tinged leaves before they flower, while others will turn bronze by fall before dying back completely for winter or whatever season you’re planting for.
  • Place a waterproof floor so you can easily wash it out after every use.
  • Use flooring that’s simple to clean, such as linoleum or rubber mats.
  • Cover your walls with paintable wallpaper and hang art from hooks on the ceiling.

The hammock will provide a place to relax, unwind and take in the beauty of your garden, you can even install plants around the hammock or add some pavers for extra comfort

This is a great way to personalize your preschool and make it feel like home, consider using light colors that are easy on the eyes, such as pale blues, greens or yellows.

Add Some Natural Lighting

Natural light can be a great addition to your Garden Rooms, it will help you see what you’re doing, and it’s good for the plants. 

The natural environment often makes people feel more relaxed and at ease, which can be especially helpful if you’re trying to get some sleep in there.

Garden rooms are a great way to bring the outdoors in, but there are many other benefits to consider, and they can help you get some much-needed rest and relaxation. 

They’re good for your plants, and they can even make it easier to see what you’re doing if you decide to install natural light.


With these tips, you’ll be able to create the perfect garden room for yourself and it’s a great way to enjoy the outdoors without having to worry about pests or weather conditions, plus, it can add color and beauty to your home all year long.