Finding the ideal moment to clean the AR-15 seems an insurmountable challenge for many shooters. If you were to question every owner you encountered across the nation, you would be shocked at how diverse the answers would be. Whether or not the AR has been shot, some may insist on cleaning it after each usage. In contrast, others may advocate undertaking monthly preventive maintenance. Others will counter that cleaning the gun is pointless if the gun isn’t being used.
AR-15 cleaning supplies are essential since your AR-15 represents a big investment. Various tools are available for this, including CAT Outdoors M4 Tool. This tool allows you to easily clean your AR-15 quickly and efficiently. It’s perfect for competitions or just when you’re short on time. The importance of cleaning your AR-15 is explained further below.
Carbon Buildup
One of the most significant issues if you do not clean your AR-15 regularly, comes from carbon buildup. Your AR-15’s carbon residue from each shot fired will eventually start to accumulate in numerous areas close to the main parts of the weapon. The bolt assembly, bore and chamber, and fire control group are just a few examples.
These are important areas, and if they aren’t cleaned for a while, the accumulation will hurt how well your rifle performs. Rust can also build up, ruining your rifle’s finish and, if it does so in the bore, greatly lowering accuracy and bullet trajectory.
The best course of action is to always maintain your rifle clean, with a deep cleaning once a month to make sure the whole weapon is free of debris.
How Often Should You Clean Your AR-15?
As mentioned above, this question leads to many answers, depending on who you ask. The answer is that there isn’t a tried and true answer. Your cleaning schedule depends on what you’re using the weapon for, how often you use it, and in what conditions.
If you live in a wet environment, your machine will need to be clean after every use, as moisture and condensation can harm your gun. If you are simply using your gun for target practice and live in an area not susceptible to moisture, you may not need to clean it as often.
In most instances, cleaning your AR-15 monthly is a must. You can ensure that it is ready to go when you need it. If you are taking the time to do a detailed cleaning, most experts suggest this be done at least once a year. Again, this depends on how and where you’re using it.
If you choose to clean more often, that is fine as well. You will not harm the gun by cleaning it more often. In fact, it may get you familiar and comfortable with how it works and the mechanisms behind the AR-15. Certainly, that knowledge isn’t harmful.
There are many more reasons to clean your gun regularly, but carbon cleanup can affect your gun and the way it shoots. If you’re looking for cleaning tools, including kits, CAT Outdoors has several options available.